One photo could spend thousands of words. He could tell you many things. If you want to share interesting stories to others, display photos of your memories in a few frames. Next, let people enjoy the "story" that flows from the photos you display earlier.
So also with pre-wedding photographs. The photos are excerpts prewedding good times prospective bride and groom before entering marriage. Later, the photographs will be the story of the good old days to tell children and grandchildren. Pre wedding photos can also be an antidote when a household enters the bleak and bitter. By looking at photos of past full of happiness, strength of commitment that has been previously created could turn and come back "alive".
There are two kinds of pre-wedding photography, namely indoor and outdoor pre wedding pre wedding. Most brides prefer outdoor shooting prewedding than indoor pre-wedding photo shoot. Because, in the outdoor pre wedding, but its location varies, the bride and groom can also be more express and enjoy the photo session.
Compared with indoor photography, outdoor photography course has its own advantages. Although the photographer in indoor photography can set their own light source and direction of the flash (flash), the picture could not match the results of outdoor photography.
Just like all the elements in the world of weddings, pre wedding photos also has its own trends. At first, many couples are choosing the location shooting in museums, parks, tea gardens in the area of ​​the peak, or on the beach. Pose-pose was still fairly classic: hugging or holding hands while looking at each other.
Then, perhaps because he felt the locations had been common, many couples who dared to step into a higher class, for example by choosing an outdoor shooting location somewhat distant, like in Singapore, Europe, or America. Even in the affairs of the pose, already many of them apply the style magazine-style fashion.
Do not just choose a location shoot, choose a location that really wonderful to preserve. If the location is less beautiful photography, photographers usually will only take pictures of it close up. If so, then the result will not vary much with the photo studio. Weather on location shooting also affect the final outcome once the beauty of outdoor photos. But, typically, the pre wedding photo shoot locations are museums, parks, tea gardens in the area of ​​the peak, or the beach.
Can also its location is a favorite that is usually visited by the couple, such as dining or a special place to spend time just chatting. And do not worry even if it is just a small restaurant on the corner of the city. Because, with the photographer kecapakapan and foresight, as well as the expression "live" both the bride and groom, the resulting photos will look "tell".
Or you can also use the background when the campus is both the bride and groom first met on the same campus, complete with makeup as it once was when it still holds the status of students. Prospective brides can also recall memories of the most beautiful when I first met and mengejawantahkannya in the form of poses. Guaranteed fun!
Even places that are not usually also be used as an interesting background, for example in the middle of dense traffic, on the bus TransJakarta, shocked the market in the evening, bus stops, pedestrian bridge, or even at the mall. Pemoteratan with unusual ideas are very interesting and requires courage because the pair must express in public areas.
source: Various


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