Tips Food Fotography

Tips on food photography (Photo Product Photo Product) is taken from the photography course I conducted by the NCC. For questions, maybe I can not answer it because it is still an amateur.
Tips for Beginners:By Riana:- Master the camera we own to the fullest.- Avoid the flash- Pictures at close range using a macro mode (flower pictures)- Do not shake. Try pake tripod. If not use, make sure the holdermantep and sturdy hands, press the shutter (shutter) gently butmust (not shake so because the pressure).- Define a clear focus. Garnishnya only? Cake? Foreground? Backgroundback? click Photography Services
- Create a beautiful composition.- Try all the angles, snap as much as possible.
Tips Blur Background:By Regina:If from my experience, if the back would diblurin, f stopnya in kecilin. Would not in the depth of fieldnya. Can be tried also with dizoom.
By Riana:If Dept Of Field (sharp space) it is short, then the foreground and backwill inevitably blur. If yesterday said the teacher, there are three roads that short DoF:Lenses, Distance, Diafragma.klik Photography ServicesUse a telephoto lens, or reduce the distance of the object with less lens, or usediaphragm terkecil.fot
By Riana:Problem blur,'ve answered yes the other day. That blur in the foreground and orbackground will be obtained if the DoF (Depth of Field = Space Sharp) short.To get a short sharp space, there are 3 that can be changed:Lenses, Distance, Diaphragm (click Photography Product). Use a telephoto lens, or lens distance dg of small objects, or a large aperture (small aperture number). Play oneone or a combination of the third.
Glass Effect Tip:By Riana:Glass effect (after the lights, put the glass), put the object is actually made fromglass in the background, in front of the lamp (when the course you are taking the lightordinary learning, click Photography Product). Glassy materials refract light and make the background blur effects. Actually there is one picture that time is evaluated, the effect of blurvery real glass. Blur abis! But I forget who at the time photos.It seems kind of glass materials also influence. The more nice and shiny,pendarnya the better


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